Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I made a MESS!!!

We have lived in our house three and a half years and it has needed updating ever since.  Well, a couple months ago, I pulled up the puke green carpet.  Yesterday and today I scraped the popcorn off the ceilings. I did the living room, kitchen and dining room.  And I textured the kitchen ceiling.  Shane sprayed the living room down for me after he worked all day yesterday.  Then today he had a rest day.  (We're snowed in...AGAIN).  He works harder than anyone I know, so I was very appreciative of his help.

I put a few things in my room so they wouldn't get messy, and this kept scaring the CRAP out of me every time I walked in my bedroom...

Here is lovely me.  Cole the photographer.  Ha...

Shane spraying for me.  (Makes the job go MUCH faster.)  Thanks honey poo!!! ;)

Lola. :)

Some of the mess.  It will look SO good when it's all complete.  Say, in about, oh, six months??? ;)

It's a lot of fun.  The boys have done great with all the work.  Cole played -- wait for it -- DSi most of the time.  And Lane entertains himself pretty good and likes to watch Dora and Diego.  Gosh, I feel so guilty for all the video games and television, but SOON I'll be blogging about RODEO and BASEBALL and SWIMMING!!!!

"She is energetic and strong, a hard worker." Prov. 31:17

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